In what treatments does Ms. Devereaux specialize
and what experience does she have?
Aileen has dedicated her entire career path to helping others in the field of social services and counseling. She holds a Bachelors of Arts Degree from the University of Minnesota, Duluth in Psychology (1994) as well as a Master of Science degree in Social Work from the University of Texas, Arlington (2005), with a focus on Direct Practice in Mental Health. She has had an unrestricted Clinical Social Worker licence by the State of Texas, (# 41287) since 2005. Aileen has extensive experience in working with children, teens, adults and senior citizens with depression, anxiety, ADHD, chronic health problems, relationship issues, stress-related issues, mood disorders and many other mental health issues.
Aileen specializes in working with teens, young adults, adults and senior citizens who have experienced trauma and abuse. She has a National Certification in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, an Abuse and Trauma Certificate from the University of Texas, Arlington, and is trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). She has extra training in Neuro-Linguistic programming, Collaborative Problem-Solving, Motivational Interviewing, Wrap-Around Treatment Model, Solution-Focused Therapy, Neurosequential Model of therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and training in Love and Logic Parenting.
Aileen's social work and counseling experience is extensive and she has contributed to the field of social services in a number of different ways. She has worked in several large residential treatment centers in Minnesota and in California (1993-1999), has served as a Child Protective Services Worker (Children's Mental Health Division San Diego County 2000- 2003) and completed 100 hours of training at the Child Welfare Academy in Oceanside, California. She has been trained and certified in Red Cross Disaster Relief Response and she worked in the local Hurricane Katrina shelters counseling evacuees and survivors from the Superdome and surrounding areas of New Orleans in August 2005. She has developed and facilitated groups for children who have incarcerated parents and she has counseled teens in the Tarrant County Juvenile Probation system through a juvenile diversion program. She counseled at-risk homeless children and mothers through a homeless initiative program (Cook Children's Medical Center, Psychology Dept. 2012-2017). Aileen was a Family Therapist for 10 years at Cook Children's Medical Center in the Inpatient Psychiatry Unit and Outpatient Therapy clinics (2007-2017).
Aileen also has extensive experience with adults and senior citizens (Senior Mental Health Solutions 2015-2019) and understands the special medical and cognitive issues that are often a part of the aging process. She has experience working with patients or loved ones with a chronic or terminal illness. She truly enjoys working with seniors and happily accepts Medicare clients into her practice.
Since the Covid virus pandemic began in 2020, Aileen's main focus has been with teens, young adults and adults through the use of telehealth technology. Aileen's training and 28 years of experience has helped her to meet her clients wherever they are in life and walk with them through the difficult times until they are able to walk on their own.