How do I Use the Patient Portal?
You can use the online patient portal to schedule ongoing appointments if you choose. This is certainly not required, but will save you time to focus on your therapy during your appointment vs. dealing with scheduling issues.
At the initial phone consultation Aileen will gather the information necessary to allow you further access to scheduling and access to our secure patient portal. An email will be sent to you with an access code for future use to schedule appointments and access your schedule.
All of the necessary forms, consents and documents are available through the patient portal and will be sent to you via email to save time or provided to you at your first appointment. There is some paperwork involved in the process, but if you have questions Aileen can assist you, call or email.
How often you will be seen will be discussed with your therapist at the initial appointment and you will be able to schedule out several months in advance if you choose - either through the portal or in person. If a time is available on a day that you select you will be able to click on that day and select that time slot. An appointment reminder will be sent to you via text or email (your choice) by our automated system if you so choose - 48 hours in advance to remind you. This is just a courtesy and please do not rely on this alone to remember your appointments.